Monday, July 23, 2012

"...had to drop one of our investigators..."


Hey family I got your letter this week it was great, thanks for the drawing Megan :)
So she wants me to make her some cranes for her b day, you'll have to remind me, so this week was pretty awesome on Tuesday we decided to fast cause we were sick of our potentials falling through, so after that we went out tracking and didn't find any one. Came back from lunch and prayed for guidance of where to go. So one of our potentials popped in to my mind so we went to his neighborhood and knocked on his door and he said that he wasn't interested so we just went and tracked the rest of the neighborhood and we knocked on a couple. We ran into a atheist and a minister for a baptist church and they were not interested so we knocked on this one door and a guy came out and said that he can't talk to us cause his kids asleep so we started to walk back to our car and he came out and stopped us and asked if we could just talk to him outside on the curb so we were really excited to hear that. So we taught him the first lesson on the spot and we answered all of his questions he had about the church, and he is really opened minded to so that was great, and we have another appointment with him tomorrow so I'm praying that it goes well.
We had to drop one of our investigators, at first the lesson was going well then he started to ask weird questions and it just started to escalate and it wasn't because of us he was just drunk so it got to the point where the spirit was just telling to get out so we did but he wasn't to happy about us leaving he was telling us to sit back down and swearing so we aren't going back there for a while, but I'm glad that he is a pretty small dude and he had a broken arm and was in a wheel chair so if things got out of hand we could have taken him :)
Those are probably the top stories of the week hope that last one didn't freak you out mom :)
So today has been pretty awesome we went golfing with a member cause he lives in a apartment with a golf course around it so that was pretty fun at first I couldn't hit the ball but near the end I was able to hit it pretty well so I that was fun, it's a lot funner if your playing it instead of watching it. and we get to go cave spelunking cause in the beer creak ward a member has a pretty deep cave in there back yard so the missionaries from that area invited us so I'm way excited for that.
I'm kinda jealous cause you guys are getting rain, we haven't had any real rain storms since before I got here we just get little sprinkle showers .
That's kinda a bummer that the Scottish festival wasn't as great as in the you got the letter from sister Witman they are a awesome family they are like in there 80s so there real smart sister Witman has written a couple of articles and brother Witman is like the law teacher for most university's so he is a real smart guy. I'm surprised that she mentioned that I was bold cause I think I'm still the same shy boy who left home a month ago.
So the heat is still a killer :( and the guy we talked to in the park is Ben and the guy we ran into while fasting is Kyle. and yes sending me a book with some pics would be nice I'll send my SD card in the mail soon it just has a lot more room on it.
Glad that you are all doing well and i look forward to your guys reply love you all
Elder Dixon
PS the next hand written letter wont be as long as the rest cause I don't have much time to write cause today is going to be busy.

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