Thursday, October 10, 2013

"... my favorite talks was by Elder Ulisses Soares, he talked about the attribute of meekness and how we can obtain it by living in the spirit. "

Dear Dixon family,
First off I'll answer your questions.
So the Elders that we replaced ended there missions in this area, so their time was up, and yes I'm out of journal paper. Thanks for the pictures of the Payson Temple, IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!! Do we know when it well be completed?
Crystal did tell me about Roscoe getting the job at Goodellow. I hope he enjoys it and from what I hear he is starting at a pretty good pay.

This week was pretty good, mostly because of conference, we watched it at the branch building. Me and Elder Rausch where the only ones there most of the time, and at priesthood meeting it was only us and the branch president. It was still great, I think one of my favorite talks was by Elder Ulisses Soares, he talked about the attribute of meekness and how we can obtain it by living in the spirit. How people who are meek are more often to receive the message of the gospel, because they are humble and can recognize there dependence on God.
I think the 3 main things that stuck out to me the most all together where the 1st and 2nd great commandments, the important roll of woman and mothers in the world and how the world is perverting the virtues that woman bring into this world. Then the importance of priesthood holders and what we need to do to stand up for what is right and stay steadfast in our morals.
We also taught a new investigator this week on Tuesday, her name is M.J, she is someone we tracked into and set up a return appointment, she is a single mother, and has a close relationship with God and knows that she can over come her trails that she is going through. She is interested to learn more about The Book of Mormon. The only problem that we see coming up is that we know that her uncle and cousin are pastors of another church, and most of the time when people ask the ministers or pastors about our beliefs they always say negative and false things about our beliefs.  That then scares our investigator so they don't want to meet with anymore, but we are praying that this doesn't happen with her.

Love you all,
-Elder Dixon

P.S. I liked Ricky's email, pretty cool.

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